Bridal Shower Newlywed Game Funny Questions

Newlywed Game Questions

Now presenting the world's greatest couples game show you can play in your living room: The Newlywed Game! If you're looking for the perfect list of Newlywed Game questions, we've got 100 unique ideas below PLUS free printable invitations, game sheets, and more! Get ready for a date night you'll never forget!

Friends get together to play The Newlywed Game for a group date night | The Dating Divas
Group of friends playing The Newlywed Game together

If you've never heard of The Newlywed Game, don't worry! We'll cover exactly how to play it from the comfort of your own home! In short, this fun game night is a HIL-AR-IOUS question and answer game where you see couples' responses to very personal marriage questions. Even more entertaining? The reactions to the spouse's answers!

Keep scrolling for our awesome list of Newlywed Game questions AND free printables to make your game night even easier!

By the way, The Newlywed Game is a perfect game to play for bridal showers, anniversary parties, and, of course, DATE NIGHT!

The Best Newlywed Game Questions

Check out this amazing list of 100 fun and hilarious Newlywed Game questions below! Then, click the big pink DOWNLOAD button at the bottom of this post to print off the first 40 of them!

Couples Newlywed Game Questions for a Group Party. | The Dating Divas
Variety of questions found in The Newlywed Game.


  1. If your spouse could have unlimited access to any store, which would it be?
  2. What would your spouse say is their favorite feature of yours?
  3. What is your spouse's favorite comfort food?
  4. What was your spouse wearing on their first date with you?
  5. If you could take over one household chore for your spouse forever, what would they want you to do?
  6. What would your spouse say is most different between the two of you?
  7. What will your spouse say is the nicest thing you did in the past week?
  8. Who made the first move while dating?
  9. What grooming product could your spouse not live without?
  10. During which of the four seasons will your spouses say the first fell in love with you?
  11. What is your spouse's dream job?
  12. If your spouse won $5,000, what would they want to spend it on?
  13. Where did the two of you go on your first date?
  14. Where did you share your first kiss?
  15. What is your spouse's favorite candy bar?
  16. If your spouse could be any age, what age would they be?
  17. What is your spouse's favorite meal that you cook?
  18. What was your spouse's first job?
  19. What is your spouse's favorite tv show?
  20. Which of the two of you is best at pinching pennies?
  21. What frightens your spouse the most?
  22. What clothing does your spouse wear that looks best on him/her?
  23. What is your spouses' most-repeated sentence or phrase?
  24. Where will your spouse say they had the best vacation with you?
  25. Who would you say has the better in-laws, your or your spouse?
  26. Do you have a pet name for your spouse? What is it?
  27. If your mother-in-law were an animal, what animal would she be?
  28. Who would you cast to play your spouse in a movie?
  29. What is the name of your spouse's best friend?
  30. If your house was on fire, what one thing would your spouse grab before leaving?
  31. What charity is your spouse most likely to raise money for?
  32. What is your spouse's shoe size?
  33. What one item of yours would your spouse love to get rid of?
  34. Who is your spouse's celebrity crush?
  35. What type of student was your spouse in high school – a class clown, teacher's pet, or quiet in the corner?
  36. What one word describes your spouse's driving?
  37. What reality tv show would your spouse love to be on?
  38. Who is more stubborn in your relationship?
  39. How will your spouse complete this? My spouse is more obsessed with "…" than anyone I know.
  40. Which describes your spouse best in the morning? Chirpy chipmunk or sluggish sloth?


  1. Who said "I love you" first?
  2. What is your spouse's favorite pizza topping?
  3. If your spouse could meet anyone currently living, who would it be?
  4. What is the food your spouse most can't stand?
  5. What was your spouse's favorite childhood cartoon?
  6. How long did you date before getting engaged?
  7. Which does your spouse normally sleep on: side, stomach, or back?
  8. What movie can always make your spouse cry?
  9. What app on their phone does your spouse spend the most time on?
  10. Who typically controls the radio in the car — you or your spouse?
  11. If your spouse could see anyone in concert, who would it be?
  12. What's a secret talent your spouse has that most people don't know about?
  13. What was the first movie you and your sweetheart ever watched together?
  14. Who is more likely to make friends in the grocery store line — you or your sweetie?
  15. If your spouse could domesticate any animal and keep it as a pet, what animal would they choose?
  16. What is your spouse's beverage of choice?
  17. If your spouse could only eat one food for the rest of their life, what would it be?
  18. What is your spouse's favorite holiday?
  19. Who is more likely to stay up late reading a book — you or your spouse?
  20. Who of you two is more physically affectionate?
  21. Your spouse can only only watch one movie for the rest of their life — what movie do they choose?
  22. If your spouse could travel anywhere in the world, where would they go?
  23. What was your spouse's first job?
  24. Which of you is more likely to put things off until the last minute?
  25. Who runs late more often — you or your spouse?
  26. Between you and your spouse, who brought up marriage first?
  27. What flavor of cake was served at your wedding?
  28. What is your spouse's go-to ice cream flavor?
  29. Which of you takes longer to get ready?
  30. Besides you, who does your spouse text most?
  31. What chore does your spouse hate most?
  32. What is the height difference between you and your spouse?
  33. What type of food does your spouse crave most often? (e.g. Indian, Mexican, Italian, etc.)
  34. What was the make and model of your spouse's first car?
  35. If your spouse received the wrong order at a restaurant, would they eat it or send it back?
  36. How does your spouse take their eggs?
  37. Do you two have a song? What is it?
  38. Does your spouse prefer you with short or long hair?
  39. You two go out for breakfast — what does your spouse order?
  40. Does your spouse prefer sweet or salty snacks?
  41. Would your spouse rather have a private chef, a maid, or a nanny?
  42. Who caught the bouquet at your wedding?
  43. When your spouse is upset, do they usually want sympathy or solutions? (A.k.a. Do they want you to listen or try to solve their problem?)
  44. Is your spouse more likely to listen to a book, a podcast, or music in the car?
  45. What is your spouse's favorite gift you have ever given them?
  46. Who is more likely to apologize first — you or your spouse?
  47. Which fast food restaurant is your spouse's favorite?
  48. Of the two of you, who falls asleep first at night?
  49. Which of you is a pickier eater?
  50. What was your spouse's childhood dream job?
  51. Who cries more often — you or your sweetie?
  52. How does your spouse like their steak cooked — rare, medium, or well-done?
  53. What is your spouse's love language — physical touch, words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, or quality time?
  54. It's your spouse's birthday — what kind of cake do they want?
  55. What is your spouse's biggest pet peeve?
  56. Who of the two of you orders more packages off of Amazon?
  57. What's your spouse's favorite sport?
  58. What is your spouse's favorite movie snack?
  59. If your spouse won the lottery, what's the first thing they would buy?
  60. What is your spouse's favorite board game?

How to Play The Newlywed Game

  • STEP 1: Start by printing out the printable invite, score sheets, and game questions linked at the bottom of this post. Send out the invitations and prep enough score sheets for everyone attending.
  • STEP 2: When everyone arrives and all the couples are ready to play, have the wives leave the playing area. Make sure they cannot hear their husbands' answers!
  • STEP 3: Then, ask the husbands one of the game questions and have them write down their answers on their laminated answer sheets.
  • STEP 4: Next, bring the wives back in the room and ask them the very same question the husbands just answered. If the couple's answers match, they get a point!
  • STEP 5: Play as many rounds as you want using the questions below!
  • STEP 6: Don't forget to grab some dry erase markers to use to write down the answers. Now you are set to play!
Variety of printables to use to play The Newlywed Game. | The Dating Divas
Adorable printables for The Newlywed Game.

Playing The Newlywed Game for Date Night

Just you and your sweetie playing this fun game for date night? Perfect! Simply print out two copies of the list of questions, then follow the steps below.

Step One: Take a few minutes to write down all your answers to the selected questions separately.

Step Two: Go question by question and compare answers!

Step Three (optional): You can make a wager on who knows the other best! đŸ˜‰

In the end, this fun game is meant to bring you closer to your sweetie over shared experiences, favorite things, and hilarious memories.

Newlywed or not, it's fun to analyze what you think you do (or don't!) know about your spouse!SaveSave


How do you play The Newlywed Game?

Start by having the wives leave the playing area. Make sure they cannot hear their husband's answers. Then, ask the husbands a question and have them write it down on their laminated answer sheets. The next step is to bring the wives back in the room with the husbands and ask them the same question. If the couple's answers match, then they get the point!

How many questions should you ask when playing The Newlywed Game?

You can ask as many questions as you want for as many rounds as you'd like!

At what events could you play The Newlywed Game?

The Newlywed Game is a fun game to play for bridal showers, anniversary parties, and, of course, DATE NIGHT!

Click the link below to print out your adorable and unique 40 Newlywed Game Questions!

After you've had a fun night using these newlywed game questions, go take a peek at some of these other fun date night and marriage ideas:

  • The Not-So-Newlywed  Game Questions
  • New Couples Game Show
  • Battle of the Sexes Group Date
  • Boredom Buster Games for Couples
  • 20 Questions Game for Couples
  • How to Prepare for Marriage
  • Romantic At-Home Date Ideas
  • Fun Proposal Ideas
  • Date Ideas
  • Anniversary Ideas

Free Download

The Newlywed Game

Printables Designed by Carisa @ Messes to Memories Exclusively for The Dating Divas

I am a passionate, fun, and caring gal married to the most incredible man in the world! Where I am the happiest is in nature with my handsome husband, my sweet baby girl Isla Joe, and my fun doggos Woods and Pancake! I enjoy reliving my glory days by playing volleyball with my girl friends or relaxing at the golf course! I am convinced I could not live without popcorn, caramel apples, and my guilty pleasure, vanilla coke! You can find me outdoors, partying with family, or on that dance floor baby!

Learn more about Whitney

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